Founded in 1957 by Mr. Robert G. Cabell, III, and Mrs. Maude Morgan Cabell, the Cabell Foundation supports the permanent needs of charitable organizations throughout Virginia, particularly in the metro Richmond region. It emphasizes responsive and initiative-taking actions that inspire community action, focusing on areas like higher education, cultural arts, and comprehensive community betterment, striving for strategic support rather than widespread minor contributions.
The Cabell Foundation's competitive grants program is designed to support permanent, capital projects through challenge or matching grants, aiming to stimulate broad community support. The grants cover various sectors including cultural arts, civic and community initiatives, conservation and environment efforts, education, historic preservation, and social services, health, and welfare. The grant terms typically span 12-18 months from the award date, and proposals are reviewed bi-annually. Funding interests are diverse, not pre-allocated across program areas, with the competitive nature of proposals influencing funding decisions.
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