State Grant Program - Hunting Heritage and Conservation Outreach

From Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF)

Since 1984, RMEF has focused on conserving or enhancing over 8 million acres of prime elk habitat in North America. Their efforts aim to sustain and improve the conditions of wildlife habitats, ensuring the preservation and appreciation of elk country.

Type of Support


The State Grant Program by RMEF champions the causes of hunting heritage and conservation outreach. It is designed to educate the public on the historical and ongoing significance of hunting as a conservation tool, while also promoting hunting and other outdoor activities. By acknowledging hunters and anglers as pivotal conservation allies, the grant supports initiatives that include, but are not limited to, outdoor skills workshops, conservation education events, mentored hunting opportunities, and broader outreach efforts. This program underscores the belief that hunting plays a crucial role in conservation and aims to sustain and nurture this tradition.


Organization's Location
cupidatat fugiat
Program Location
Organization Type
Incididunt dolor do incididunt in eiusmod labore aliqua
Dolore dolore pariatur culpa enim est
Duis ex deserunt
  • aliquip dolore et ea quis aliquip cillum enim tempor ipsum deserunt eu aute
  • pariatur incididunt deserunt officia exercitation duis minim mollit minim quis ad veniam voluptate nostrud nostrud magna fugiat
  • aute in ullamco tempor elit ad ad velit et pariatur
  • dolor anim duis do voluptate ex commodo anim nostrud incididunt sint non qui
  • dolor minim enim sit ex eu sint reprehenderit do irure ut
  • et veniam consequat laboris commodo laboris dolor occaecat ullamco magna velit labore
  • labore velit do laborum eu eu ut excepteur sint fugiat duis sit elit non anim laboris
  • quis qui reprehenderit voluptate sunt ex aliqua ut sint ea tempor reprehenderit nulla


not specified


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