Wakefield Community Foundation Grant

From Siouxland Community Foundation

United Airlines established a Fund within the Siouxland Community Foundation in appreciation of Siouxland’s response to the United Flight 232 incident in July of 1989. The fund aims to provide financial support for education and community projects in the Siouxland area.

Type of Support


The Wakefield Community Foundation Grant program aims to address current and emerging needs within Wakefield by supporting projects in arts & culture, civic engagement, education, environment, health, and human services. Grants focus on increasing access to cultural activities, community betterment, education at all levels, environmental conservation, health promotion and services, as well as support for various social groups. The WCF Board reviews grant proposals to fund organizations that can effectively enhance Wakefield's quality of life.


Organization's Location
Program Location
NE (Dixon County, Wayne County)
Organization Type
Nonprofit organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Units of local government
  • Serve Wakefield, Nebraska
  • Required 50% match by the applicant


Religious purposes
Political activities
Annual fund drives
Budget deficit
General operating
up to 1k


Review Criteria

Preference will be accorded to initiatives and endeavors that:

  • Demonstrate the capacity for enduring benefit, tackle nascent needs, or offer innovative approaches to current community challenges or opportunities.
  • Lead to the most significant benefit for the largest populace.
  • Actively engage volunteers in practical service roles to aid the project.
  • Have acquired supplementary financial support from alternative sources.