Snook Foundation Grant

The Snook Foundation aims to provide funding for scholarships, promote health care, contribute to civic organizations for the public benefit, enhance school facilities, and increase educational opportunities. It also supports local nonprofits aiding residents in various capacities, including disaster relief, health and fitness center initiatives, educational programs, and assistance for veterans, first responders, and food banks, with a focus on fostering success across Baldwin County.

Type of Support


The Snook Foundation Grant program has broad objectives centered around the betterment of community life in Baldwin County through various means. It supports education by funding scholarships, school facility improvements, and afterschool programs. In healthcare, it has helped open fitness, health, and medical centers. The foundation also aids in disaster recovery, and supports local nonprofits focused on aiding residents, including food banks, first responders, veterans' programs, and more. Its guiding principle is to adapt and expand its support to meet the evolving needs of the community, with a commitment to paving the way for future generations to succeed. Every grant request is evaluated individually to continue providing targeted assistance to where it is most needed.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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up to 425k


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