Barrington Moore Memorial Award in Biological Science

From Society of American Foresters (SAF)

The mission of the Society of American Foresters (SAF) focuses on advancing the science, education, technology, and practice of forestry. SAF is committed to promoting and enhancing the stewardship of forest resources through the dissemination of knowledge and technology.

Type of Support


The award aims to recognize outstanding achievements in biological research that contribute to the advancement of forestry. It encompasses a wide range of research fields including but not limited to forest ecology, fire ecology, forest soil science, and forest hydrology, among others. The award encourages research in ecological aspects of forestry and related managerial or quantitative fields like silviculture and agroforestry. The grant includes a $1,000 honorarium, a complimentary SAF convention registration, and up to $500 for travel expenses, presented at the SAF national convention.


Organization's Location
esse cillum
Program Location
Organization Type
  • cillum reprehenderit eiusmod dolor fugiat dolor tempor proident incididunt
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Amet magna
Magna elit est mollit non aliquip officia dolore amet occaecat incididunt aliqua qui
Cillum officia veniam ad nulla exercitation non voluptate ut
up to 1.5k


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