Grants for Humanities in South Dakota - under $2k

From South Dakota Humanities Council

The South Dakota Humanities Council's mission is to celebrate literature, promote civil conversation, and tell the stories that define South Dakota. It aims to lead statewide humanities advocacy, working with partners to foster literary and civic engagement, expanding the community of readers and writers, engaging communities in discussions about cultural and historical landscapes, and diversifying revenue sources.

Type of Support


The South Dakota Humanities Council Grant Program offers up to $85,000 annually across three grant categories: Discussion, Media, and Research. These grants are designed to advance the Council's mission and promote the humanities in American public life, covering a wide range of humanities fields including language, literature, history, philosophy, and more. Additionally, the program supports initiatives like the Speakers Bureau visits, Book Club to Go, and One Book South Dakota discussions, aiming to enrich public understanding and appreciation of the humanities across South Dakota.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Private nonprofit organizations
Institutions of higher education
State and local groups
Federally recognized Indian tribal governments
Community and cultural organizations
Educational and professional groups
Public agencies
  • The proposed project and public discussion event must take place in South Dakota
  • The sponsoring organization must not have any currently open grants with SDHC
  • Must possess a tax-exempt status letter (such as the 501(c)(3) form) and a DUNS number with the Central Contract Registration
  • Must provide third-party cash and/or in-kind contributions to match or exceed SDHC’s financial assistance
  • Projects must include Native experiences, voices, and perspectives if appropriate
  • All projects must include active participation of a humanities scholar


Applicants seeking funding for capital projects including equipment, land, renovation, or staffing
Courses, scholarships, cash awards, or fellowships
Projects in the creative or performing arts without a humanities component
Lobbying or advocacy for a political/social party, agenda, or ideology
Profit-making programs
Entertainment and related costs such as meals, snacks, decorations, lodging, transportation, and gratuities
Expenses incurred before receiving the grant
Endowment or fundraising activities
Proposals not adhering to SDHC guidelines
501(C) 6 organizations
Excessive printing and duplication.
up to 2k


Review Criteria

Preference is given, though not mandatory, to initiatives that:

  • Are accessible to all, free of charge, and aimed at engaging a broad and varied audience.
  • Focus on enhancing literacy and reading competencies.
  • Are situated in or cater to areas that are typically underserved. The SDHC is committed to equitable fund distribution and encourages inquiries about areas in need.
  • Represent new endeavors or are proposed by entities that have not previously benefited from SDHC support. While projects with prior funding may be eligible, they should anticipate a reduction in financial aid for subsequent proposals.
  • Incorporate the participation or perspectives of scholars from the Lakota, Dakota, or Nakota communities, reflecting South Dakota's significant minority group.

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