Small Community Planning Grant

From South Dakota Department of Agriculture & Natural Resources

To protect and preserve South Dakota's agriculture, environment, and natural resources through effective regulatory services, natural resource conservation, and financial and technical assistance.

Type of Support


The Small Community Planning Grant Program is designed to assist small communities in adopting a proactive stance towards water and wastewater infrastructure management. Its primary aim is to provide financial support to small communities for hiring an engineering consultant to produce a detailed engineering report. This report should align with the standards of the facilities plans required for State Revolving Fund (SRF) projects. The grants cover 80% of the engineering study's cost, with a cap of $8,000 for water studies and $10,000 for wastewater studies. The community is responsible for covering the remainder, which could be met through local cash or non-state financial aid, although in-kind contributions are not eligible. Payment is released to grantees upon the satisfactory completion of the engineering report, as determined by the administering department.


Organization's Location
velit excepteur
Program Location
Organization Type
Do aute incididunt id laborum ullamco
In ipsum minim ipsum ullamco do voluptate labore Lorem qui aute quis anim magna culpa adipisicing consequat
Adipisicing cillum non sit cupidatat ex exercitation nulla cillum id ea ea eiusmod
  • ipsum adipisicing ut commodo veniam velit nulla officia
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Labore laboris culpa id veniam labore consectetur
8k – 10k


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