Stackpole-Hall Foundation Grant - up to $10K

The mission of The Stackpole-Hall Foundation is to prioritize the needs of people in Elk County, Pennsylvania aiming to enhance the fundamental quality of life. This includes giving priority to educational, human services, and community development needs within the County.

Type of Support


The Stackpole-Hall Foundation Grant program supports organizations and institutions working to enhance social welfare in Elk County. It offers matching money grants, seed money grants, partnership grants, and occasionally operational grants. These are directed towards a variety of fields including education, health care, cultural activities, youth development, social welfare, environmental conservation, and community development efforts.


Organization's Location
esse occaecat
Program Location
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Organization Type
Incididunt sint veniam duis anim velit est officia aute et enim pariatur esse officia deserunt aute officia voluptate enim ad nisi mollit consectetur esse ea sit reprehenderit ipsum ex aliquip
Culpa sunt
  • sint culpa labore pariatur mollit nulla labore
  • mollit cupidatat pariatur aliquip duis tempor consequat Lorem et aliqua enim duis


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Laborum consectetur sit quis sit sit culpa
up to 10k


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