Sterling-Turner Foundation Grants

The Sterling-Turner Foundation, originally established as the Turner Charitable Foundation in 1960, aims to support charitable causes within specific geographical areas of Texas. Initially focused on Harris County, its mission has evolved to include broader areas of Texas, though in 2003, it narrowed its focus to five counties: Tom Green, Kerr, Travis, Fort Bend, and Harris.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Sterling-Turner Foundation seeks to support charitable organizations within five designated counties in Texas. The foundation's approach is to provide funding to causes that can demonstrate a significant impact within these communities. The flexibility to update financial information close to the submission deadline indicates a commitment to accommodating the evolving needs of recipient organizations.


Organization's Location
aute magna
Program Location
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Organization Type
Id tempor sunt cillum sunt irure
Id ullamco anim id aliqua
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Commodo sunt irure voluptate magna ad Lorem non eu velit velit non ad
5k – 100k


Visit Apply for more information.

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