The Story of Stuff: Grassroots Grants

From The Story of Stuff

The Story of Stuff Project aims to support small organizations and groups in their efforts against water privatization and plastic pollution in the United States, emphasizing equity, inclusion, and the empowerment of communities disproportionately affected by environmental issues. It focuses on providing financial resources, media support, and strategic planning to build effective campaigns.

Type of Support


The Grassroots Grants program by the Story of Stuff Project is designed to assist underfunded organizations and communities tackling environmental and social justice challenges. Specifically targeting issues related to water privatization and plastic pollution, the program has allocated $300,000 in grants to nearly 100 grassroots groups since its inception in 2017. Aiming for a $100,000 goal in 2023, the program supports projects that involve local community participation, employ creative and strategic interventions, and pursue both defensive and solutions-focused approaches. Priority is given to funding projects led by people of color, those from low-income or rural backgrounds, and women-led organizations.


Organization's Location
fugiat sunt
Program Location
Organization Type
  • labore occaecat labore pariatur dolore non culpa duis sit excepteur Lorem
  • adipisicing nisi est irure cupidatat commodo dolor et mollit do sint nostrud consequat
  • mollit irure do enim anim culpa est excepteur est labore
  • velit officia do voluptate consectetur quis magna nostrud non nulla excepteur
  • in aliqua sint nisi dolor qui eiusmod consequat enim est irure nulla
  • dolore aute minim qui Lorem aute aute velit elit
  • elit labore ad cillum duis exercitation


Amet velit
Veniam id laboris
up to 5k


Review Criteria

proident sit esse exercitation velit culpa occaecat quis ex aliquip voluptate do ipsum incididunt reprehenderit in esse magna ut officia qui minim ipsum anim eu ut eiusmod excepteur anim sint incididunt tempor ullamco Lorem elit dolor voluptate ad quis cillum ut

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