Joint Effort Marketing (JEM) Grant Program: Destination Marketing

From Travel Wisconsin

The Department of Tourism in Wisconsin focuses on marketing the state as a premier travel destination, significantly impacting the state’s economy by supporting the tourism industry. With a small portion of the state budget and workforce, it collaborates with the Wisconsin Council on Tourism, committee members, and industry partners to keep tourism as a leading industry in the state.

Type of Support


The Joint Effort Marketing (JEM) Grant Program is designed to provide financial assistance to Wisconsin nonprofit organizations for promoting events or attractions that stimulate economic growth and tourism. The program offers five categories of grants, with a focus on Destination Marketing, which includes a development option for conducting research into a region's unique qualities and a marketing option to utilize that research for promotional efforts. The program emphasizes collaboration among at least three municipalities or communities, aiming to boost visitor expenditures and support the local economy off-season or when tourism business is needed most. The JEM grants serve as a catalyst for communities, enabling them to make a significant economic impact and create job opportunities.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
  • Projects must aim to increase visitors and have a positive economic impact on the local area.
  • Must show impact through earned media, job creation, sponsorships, etc.
  • Should create a partnership of at least 3 municipalities.
  • Projects need to occur during "off-season" or when the region needs increased tourism.
  • Requires signed commitment letters from all involved municipalities.
  • Supports professional marketing research and marketing efforts based on research outcomes.
  • Research must uncover a region's unique qualities and form a focused marketing strategy.
  • Eligible promotional expenses include e-mail campaigns, magazines, newspapers, radio, TV, internet, direct mail, PR/media kits, and billboards.
  • Funding up to $10,000 per municipality, with a total maximum of $39,550 for the project.
  • Reimbursement covers up to 75% of first-year eligible promotional costs, 50% in the second year, and 25% in the third year.
  • Requires submission of previous years' evaluation before next year funding.
  • Final 10% of award released after final evaluation submission.
  • Advertising must align with the statewide marketing plan and target markets beyond the local area.
  • Encourages creative projects outside the organization's normal scope.
  • Must acknowledge the financial support of the Wisconsin Department of Tourism in advertising materials.


Entities seeking reimbursement for operational costs
Entities focusing on local advertising
Entities using posters and flyers not direct-mailed
Entities using street banners.
up to 39.6k


Visit Apply for more information.

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