Hospitality Association Grant

From Timothy S.Y. Lam Foundation

The mission of the Timothy S. Y. Lam Foundation is to support research, education, and training within the hospitality industry by bestowing scholarships and grants to those seeking careers or advancement in the hospitality industry; funding education programs that promote the hospitality industry; and awarding research grants to those interested in blending academia with practical industry know-how.

Type of Support


The Foundation offers association grants to hospitality associations each year to organizations seeking to expand their educational programming, certifications, and research needs. The Foundation endeavors to identify and reward the best and brightest of the hospitality industry’s next generation of leaders.


  • Programs or research with measurable benefits for the hospitality industry for which funding may be difficult to obtain, i.e. smaller organizations with limited resources for fundraising, new projects, or grassroots programs.
  • Programs for educational courses or materials that enhance the hospitality industry or bring community awareness to hospitality services & professionals.
  • Programs that provide occupational & emergency support for hospitality professionals of a specific organization.
  • To associations within good standing of the TSYLF association grant guidelines & partnership.


Organization's Location
reprehenderit aliquip
Program Location
Organization Type
Elit Lorem
up to 10k


Required Attachments
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enim anim excepteur
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Contact info
Jane Doe
excepteur laboris fugiat fugiat officia culpa voluptate

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