NIMH Research Education Programs for Psychiatry Residents (R25- Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (346599)

From US Department of Health & Human Services: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the nation’s medical research agency — making important discoveries that improve health and save lives.

Type of Support


The NIH Research Education Program (R25) aims to support educational activities within the NIH's mission areas. Its primary goal is to encourage individuals from various specialty or disciplinary backgrounds to pursue research careers in the fields of biomedical, behavioral, and clinical sciences, thereby promoting recruitment into these vital areas of research.


Organization's Location
sit qui, est consectetur, eu est, labore quis, excepteur commodo, irure aute
Program Location
id ipsum proident laborum excepteur laboris eu proident in sint
Organization Type
up to 200k


Step 1: irure amet voluptate
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: exercitation ut (reprehenderit quis)

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