Variety Grant Program

From Variety the Children's Charity of Iowa

Variety – the Children’s Charity focuses on providing funding to organizations that support at-risk, underprivileged, critically ill, or special needs children. Their mission encompasses the care, treatment, activities, and shelter for these children to improve their lives and well-being.

Type of Support


The grant program from Variety – the Children’s Charity aims to support children's nonprofits in Iowa. Programs eligible for grants are those that align with Variety's mission to care for children, especially in areas such as critical healthcare, recreational activities, and support for disadvantaged or at-risk youth. Grant applicants are evaluated on financial stability and undergo an interview with a board member, ensuring a thorough understanding of how the investment would impact the proposed initiatives. The grant categories include support for acute healthcare agencies, camp sponsorships, services for convalescent children, projects under Variety at Work, preventive initiatives, assistance for disadvantaged children, transportation solutions, and aid for youth at risk.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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