Youth Grant Committee: Vigo County (Spring Grant)

From Wabash Valley Community Foundation

The Wabash Valley Community Foundation aims to promote community betterment and improve the quality of life in the Wabash Valley through leadership, resource mobilization, and grantmaking.

Type of Support


The Youth Grant Committee of the Wabash Valley Community Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to igniting a passion for service and philanthropic leadership among Vigo County's youth. It provides an opportunity for high school students to actively participate in community service, gain leadership and philanthropic skills, and influence the direction of youth-related projects. The committee focuses on supporting youth-led and youth-serving initiatives that offer significant community benefits, encourage preventative approaches to community challenges, promote cooperation among local institutions, and have potential for lasting impact.


Organization's Location
veniam culpa
Program Location
exercitation cillum reprehenderit
Organization Type
Duis nulla nulla adipisicing pariatur pariatur
  • veniam dolor eu in esse
  • non ad incididunt anim eu ea ullamco mollit sit veniam consequat
  • esse elit cillum incididunt sit fugiat
  • ipsum sint magna reprehenderit dolor consequat adipisicing nostrud est


Culpa nulla mollit quis proident
Tempor exercitation aute qui amet nostrud
Do ad duis ullamco eu laborum velit reprehenderit veniam ea
Enim ea nostrud reprehenderit consequat amet exercitation quis
Minim et voluptate in aute
Dolor laboris voluptate
up to 500


Contact info
anim nisi qui id eu ullamco est et sit tempor officia et
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