Wahlin Foundation Grant

The broad purpose of the Foundation is to support charitable needs in the areas where Stoughton Trailers, LLC's manufacturing plants are located, with additional grants made to projects or programs selected by the Wahlin Family. The mission emphasizes enriching lives and providing opportunities in their community.

Type of Support


The grant program is designed with flexibility to consider unsolicited requests while focusing on the broad goal of supporting charitable needs in specific communities. Although not all requests may progress to a full grant application, the program aims at enriching lives and providing opportunities within the areas of Stoughton Trailers, LLC's influence and other selected projects by the Wahlin Family.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
elit magna exercitation quis culpa cillum velit
Organization Type
Occaecat aliqua labore in id consequat pariatur
  • occaecat qui eu ea cillum exercitation voluptate pariatur ipsum sit est exercitation aliqua qui


Voluptate non exercitation irure elit eu ullamco duis Lorem aliquip eu voluptate in
Reprehenderit pariatur tempor et in tempor incididunt consectetur pariatur aliquip amet
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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