Spark Good: Strengthening Community - Local Grants

From Walmart

Walmart and Sam’s Club aim to unite all of their community giving efforts under the Spark Good initiative, focusing on empowering customers and associates to support causes they are passionate about. This includes a broad spectrum from local grants to volunteering, designed to strengthen local communities and create societal value.

Type of Support


The Spark Good program emphasizes small actions leading to a significant impact, with a particular focus on local community strengthening through various forms of support. The Local Grants component encourages Walmart stores, Sam’s Clubs, and distribution centers to engage in and bolster local communities via donations, fundraising, and participation in cause-marketing campaigns. Specifically, these grants range from $250 to $5,000, targeting a wide array of initiatives such as support for animal shelters, elder services, and community clean-up projects, addressing the unique needs of each community they operate in.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
Lorem aute tempor ad labore nulla ea adipisicing deserunt reprehenderit tempor sit aute ea pariatur proident id
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Fugiat nulla labore irure exercitation
Ipsum consectetur incididunt cillum id
Qui ipsum incididunt non anim et
250 – 5k


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