Walter and Caroline Watson Foundation Grant

From Walter and Caroline Watson Foundation

The Walter and Caroline Watson Foundation is dedicated to supporting programs and projects within Mahoning and Trumbull counties. This foundation focuses its efforts on initiatives that demonstrate a clear social mission, respond to a confirmed demand within the community, and promise substantial impact or benefit, especially to underserved populations. It prioritizes organizations that showcase sound financial management, encourage collaboration, and have a history of service.

Type of Support


The grant program provided by the Walter and Caroline Watson Foundation focuses on a wide array of objectives. It supports year-round programming and direct services to individuals that reflect the organization's core social mission. The program prioritizes projects addressing a community need with demonstrated demand, those that have a broad impact or benefit underserved populations, and initiatives with measurable outcomes and sustainability plans. Furthermore, it looks for organizations with diversified income sources, effective financial accountability, collaboration with other bodies, and those that fill a unique niche without duplicating existing services. Eligible applicants must have been operational for at least three years and the project in question should have at least one year of impact that can be documented.


Organization's Location
ut fugiat
Program Location
esse officia labore non culpa
Organization Type
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Esse dolor ea voluptate esse sint sit cupidatat consectetur occaecat irure ex ullamco minim aute elit nostrud ipsum eu nulla cupidatat
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Qui aliqua duis adipisicing
Veniam quis id veniam consequat labore
Voluptate eu ipsum id anim
not specified


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