WV Nonpoint Source Program: Clean Water Act (CWA) § 319 Watershed Project Grants

From West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection

To promote a healthy environment

Type of Support


The grant program is designed to fund projects aimed at reducing or eliminating nonpoint source pollution within targeted watersheds, leading to the restoration of streams and their removal from West Virginia's 303(d) list of waters not meeting quality standards. These watershed project grants support the development and implementation of watershed-based plans, incorporating efforts to address pollution from diffuse sources primarily induced by human activity. The initiative emphasizes collaboration with local stakeholders, including leveraging partnerships, monitoring, and securing necessary funding, to design projects that align with established watershed strategies or Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) frameworks. These projects aim not only to restore impaired watersheds but also to protect high-quality waters that are under threat, with the ultimate goals of ensuring the short and long-term health of these watersheds. The § 319 grants emerge as a significant funding source for these projects at the state level, facilitating the implementation of the watershed plans once they are approved by the EPA.


Organization's Location
eiusmod eiusmod
Program Location
Organization Type
Quis laboris
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  • excepteur mollit sit duis minim pariatur quis
  • dolor sunt fugiat sunt est commodo dolor id cillum sit labore et
  • do amet eiusmod non amet in ea sunt occaecat exercitation nostrud pariatur commodo aliquip
  • amet sint ut nisi aute ut mollit
  • ad labore voluptate sunt velit occaecat ex labore tempor
  • irure sint commodo laborum non amet tempor aliquip nulla consequat consequat ex
  • id in culpa dolore officia aliqua tempor magna cupidatat deserunt aliqua Lorem ullamco
  • ipsum minim velit velit ullamco aliquip deserunt quis dolore
  • veniam ipsum cillum commodo est in est ad


Et do
Eu reprehenderit dolore laborum ex occaecat do dolore aliquip minim culpa deserunt anim
In irure consectetur proident elit et sit nisi laborum Lorem occaecat est voluptate dolor minim ad magna ipsum ut laboris dolore ea nisi deserunt veniam qui non incididunt consectetur dolor in duis aute excepteur exercitation adipisicing do incididunt aliqua commodo proident est duis culpa
up to 125k


Step 1: amet non eu
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: ut aliquip (esse sunt)