The Windham Foundation Grant

From The Windham Foundation

The Windham Foundation, based in Grafton, strives to enhance economic, cultural, and civic life in Vermont. As an operating foundation, it preserves and advances the positive qualities of Vermont communities and their natural resources through its rural enterprises, grants to nonprofit organizations with shared purposes, and conferences on issues that matter to Vermont.

Type of Support


The Windham Foundation seeks to support organizations concerned with the needs and quality of life of Vermonters. Those organizations include, but are not limited to, those dealing with:

  • Agricultural preservation and food systems
  • Environmental enhancement
  • Education in the broadest sense
  • Promotion of the arts, crafts and Vermont traditions
  • Meeting basic human needs
  • Historic Preservation where it serves a broad community purpose

The types of proposals the Foundation funds are wide ranging. They include operational support, special initiatives, capacity building, matching and challenge grants. Support for operations will be considered where it strengthens organizational capacity.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Public institutions/entities
  • The Windham Foundation will not fund more than 50% of a project. The applicant should inform The Windham Foundation of confirmed and anticipated funding for the balance of the project.
  • Project collaboration with other non-profit organizations, where applicable, is strongly encouraged.


Endowment campaigns
Sporting activities, outings or events
Fraternal or religious organizations, including schools with religious affiliation
Individual fellowships or scholarships
Playgrounds, day care facilities and skate parks (with such programs in virtually every community we find it impossible to choose one over the other. We do consider grants that could result in a benefit to all such centers.)
Publications, books, films or surveys
Promotional Events
Affiliates of national organizations focused on particular diseases or those that provide emergency relief efforts
up to 10k


You may submit applications every year.
Required Attachments
Organizational Budget
Project Budget
Audited Financial Statement
Form 990
Board List
Contact info
Meg Gonzalez
(802) 843-2214
Review Criteria

Likelihood of Success:

  • Are the project’s objectives clear and realistic? Please tell us what you are trying to do and why.
  • Is there a plan for future sustainability? How will you support the program going forward?
  • Are the project objectives measurable and clearly understood?
  • What is the anticipated project impact?
  • In education, how does the program reflect state or local education goals?

Financial Strength:

  • Does the application explain how the requested funds are to be used and why they are needed?
  • What is the overall financial status of the organization?
  • Does the organization have a track record of effective fiscal management?

Evidence of Community Support:

  • Does the proposal show knowledge of related initiatives or programs and coordination with them?
  • Is there evidence of strong community support through local fundraising, in-kind donations, and volunteers?

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