ASHG Early Career Award

From American Society Of Human Genetics (ASHG)

The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) aims to spearhead advancements in human genetics and genomics research and its applications. Established in 1948, it supports new discoveries and applications in the field through leading research, education, and service. The ASHG annually gathers a large community at its meetings and contributes to scholarly communication through its journal.

Type of Support


The ASHG Early Career Award supports scientists in the nascent stages of their independent careers, specifically those who have not been independent investigators for more than 10 years. This award focuses on recognizing the independent work of these early-career scientists, with the submission needing to predominantly originate from the candidate's independent lab. The awardee is honored with a plaque and a $10,000 monetary prize at the Society’s Annual Meeting, emphasizing the encouragement and support for groundbreaking research in human genetics.


Organization's Location
tempor sunt
Program Location
Organization Type
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