Ball Foundation Grants

From Ball Foundation

The Ball Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Ball Corporation, aims to build a better world by focusing on three key areas: recycling, advancing education, and disaster relief and preparedness. They award grants to nonprofits in communities where they operate, allocating their resources with a specific focus: 49% for recycling efforts, 38% for education, and 13% for disaster relief and preparedness.

Type of Support


The Ball Foundation's grant program supports specific projects and programs across three main sectors: education, recycling, and disaster relief and preparedness. Their approach excludes sponsorships, aiming instead at direct project funding. While focused on higher education institutions, they also engage in matching contributions for schools through their manufacturing facilities. Their contributions have supported diverse initiatives such as aiding students from challenging backgrounds to pursue careers in fields like mechanical engineering and medicine, promoting recycling to reduce environmental footprints, and working with the American Red Cross to provide critical support before, during, and after natural disasters.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CO (Adams County, Arapahoe County, Boulder County, Broomfield County, Clear Creek County, Denver County, Douglas County, Elbert County, Gilpin County, Jefferson County, Park County)
Organization Type
501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charities
Accredited public or private schools or universities
  • Must be located in the areas surrounding metro Denver, including Broomfield, Colorado, or in other U.S. communities where Ball operates for targeted match programs
  • Must sign a letter of agreement on grant terms if approved
  • Required to complete follow-up reporting to evaluate program impact and ensure proper use of funds
  • If previously denied, must wait one year before reapplying for the same program
  • Must submit separate applications for funding for different programs
  • For continuation funding, must follow all procedures implemented by the Foundation


Organizations that discriminate based on age, political affiliation, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, religious belief
Religious groups for religious purposes
Programs for specific physical, medical or psychological conditions
Medical research
Production of audio, film, video projects
Capital campaigns or projects
Museum exhibits or similar displays
Travel support
Lobbying, political, fraternal activities
Non-501(c)(3) organizations, unaccredited schools
Sole funding source requests
Programs or organizations funded for more than three consecutive years without a 12-month break.
not specified


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