Grassroots Organizing National Grant Program

The Ben & Jerry’s Foundation aims to support and empower communities by making small grants to local, community-based Vermont non-profit programs and community celebrations. It particularly focuses on uplifting under-served populations and addressing fundamental human needs, with a commitment to community service and the enhancement of a strong volunteer base.

Type of Support


The National Grassroots Organizing Program offers two-year flexible, general operating support grants of up to $30,000 per year, primarily aimed at non-profit grassroots constituent-led organizations throughout the United States and its territories, excluding Vermont. These organizations should be dedicated to creating broad systems change through community organizing campaigns and movement-building efforts. The program prioritizes groups that are led by and focus on the leadership of Black communities, Indigenous communities, and communities of color, working with anti-oppression values to dismantle systems of oppression and white supremacy. The grant supports a wide range of organizing strategies such as community outreach, leadership development, empowerment and decision-making by constituents, popular education, root cause analysis, power analysis, campaign development, mobilization of constituents and allies, coalition building, and non-violent direct action.


Organization's Location
laboris do
Program Location
Organization Type
Voluptate voluptate amet nisi sunt excepteur
Dolore elit occaecat enim nulla
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
  • mollit laboris veniam pariatur sit officia
  • magna non sint ea est occaecat nisi nostrud adipisicing eiusmod ex adipisicing
  • Lorem non dolore fugiat


Sunt dolor duis nulla ad labore et nostrud
Et laboris cillum
Occaecat do nostrud non elit incididunt
Occaecat culpa quis exercitation
Do pariatur sint
Veniam sunt excepteur enim
Esse reprehenderit ullamco in id consectetur ad non
Do ipsum tempor elit
Commodo officia dolore minim
Exercitation irure excepteur et
Eu exercitation nulla
Ea ea exercitation minim
Consequat reprehenderit
Ex officia consectetur sint anim nisi culpa
Veniam officia amet est veniam
Cillum adipisicing anim id laborum tempor laborum ad proident nisi
up to 30k


Visit Apply for more information.

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