Harris & Frances Block Foundation Grant

The Harris and Frances Block Foundation aims to find equitable solutions to social and environmental challenges. It supports small and emerging organizations in efforts to enhance community well-being and make a global impact. The foundation promotes values of community, justice (social and environmental), equality, access, and sustainability.

Type of Support


The Block Foundation is focused on offering grants to small grassroots not-for-profit organizations. These grants are aimed at fostering just and sustainable communities through environmental education, environmental justice, farm and garden programs, farmworker's rights, and food justice. The foundation reviews letters of inquiry continuously, inviting projects that align with its priority areas to submit full proposals for the Board of Trustees' consideration.


Organization's Location
anim culpa
Program Location
adipisicing excepteur velit exercitation irure dolor fugiat deserunt irure esse
Organization Type
Pariatur aliquip exercitation sunt ea nostrud commodo
Occaecat sint aliqua esse in deserunt
  • ea cillum ex sint
  • aliquip commodo eiusmod duis dolor
  • sit aute labore voluptate
  • esse do amet ut enim sint


Anim consequat exercitation do ex aute esse
Aliquip excepteur
Excepteur ipsum
Adipisicing culpa
up to 35k


Visit Apply for more information.