BISSELL Pet Foundation: Partners for Pets

BISSELL Pet Foundation's mission is to assist animal welfare organizations. They partner with over 5,907 animal welfare organizations across all 50 states to reduce pet overpopulation and support shelters, rescue groups, and spay/neuter organizations.

Type of Support


The Partners for Pets program by BISSELL Pet Foundation holds the broad goal of supporting efforts to reduce pet overpopulation across the United States. Specifically, the program supports the mission by offering grants and financial assistance to shelters, rescue groups, and spay/neuter organizations. By joining, organizations become eligible to apply for grants, participate in the Empty the Shelters event, connect with a wide partner network, receive emergency financial support, benefit from the Grateful Pet award program, be considered for the annual Feed the Shelters program, and engage in various networking and feedback opportunities with other animal welfare groups.


Organization's Location
Lorem consectetur
Program Location
Organization Type
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Ad fugiat ad Lorem nulla ipsum
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