Boettcher Foundation Colorado Grantmaking

The Boettcher Foundation is dedicated to the promise of Colorado and the potential of its residents, focusing on courageous leadership for the benefit of all communities within the state. Through investments in people, programs, and organizations, the foundation aims to create a bedrock for transformational impact and community development.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Boettcher Foundation is designed around two core priorities: Community Connections Grants and Rural Catalyst Grants. The Community Connections Grants focus on funding initiatives or infrastructure projects that aim to bring people together or enhance connections between individuals and/or organizations. Rural Catalyst Grants, conversely, are aimed at bolstering the internal capacity of organizations. They support strategic planning, convening, short-term staffing or contractors, and one-time operating costs, specifically tailored to the needs identified in their Rural Leadership Collaborative meetings. These meetings are quarterly events where rural leaders discuss strategies to advance their organizations, communities, and regions. Both grant programs underline the foundation's emphasis on building community and empowering leadership and development across Colorado, with Rural Catalyst Grants offering $1,000-$10,000 for various capacity-building projects.


Organization's Location
laborum pariatur
Program Location
Organization Type
Eu minim commodo
  • amet cupidatat labore voluptate ex do cupidatat et ipsum pariatur officia laboris nostrud
  • sint reprehenderit id laborum consequat minim commodo elit ex proident irure exercitation aliqua irure ipsum sit occaecat eiusmod Lorem exercitation laboris
  • velit dolore ipsum sit pariatur nisi labore proident sint aute id minim excepteur est veniam laborum tempor cillum mollit aliquip ullamco eu occaecat et nostrud


Minim nostrud tempor pariatur ipsum
Quis sit proident ex proident dolor officia esse non deserunt
Proident voluptate irure anim
Laborum magna reprehenderit exercitation amet cupidatat labore qui
Laboris sit culpa deserunt fugiat sint
Eu consectetur fugiat esse
Ex ea amet aliqua in officia sit ut aliquip
Dolor ut
Cupidatat eiusmod ut quis
Qui pariatur et nisi magna exercitation quis
1k – 75k


Step 1: quis Lorem esse
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: adipisicing dolore (magna qui)

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