Rotary Community Impact Grant

From Rotary Club of Steamboat Springs

The Rotary Club of Steamboat Springs is part of a global network aiming to unite people and mobilize resources to create lasting change across the world, in communities, and within individuals. They focus on leveraging skills, expertise, and resources of their members to improve the world, with a specific mission to expand their local foundation, thereby increasing grants and enhancing community impact in Steamboat Springs.

Type of Support


The Rotary Club of Steamboat Springs offers two grant opportunities aimed at local 501(c)(3) organizations, schools, or government agencies in Routt County, funded through member contributions. One of these is the Rotary Community Impact Grant, an annual award of $15,000 intended to create lasting, measurable change for people in Routt County. While focusing primarily on activities benefiting youth and seniors, the grant program is open to projects that serve the wider community.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CO (Routt County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Government agencies
  • Located in Routt County
  • Focus on activities primarily serving youth and seniors, although not exclusively
  • The grant aims for lasting, measurable impact on Routt County
  • Applications from religious organizations for secular purposes are acceptable
  • Specific use of funds for a certain activity, capital purchase, or defined purpose required, excluding general administrative or overhead expenses
  • Eligible even if previously awarded, but repeat funding not guaranteed


Individuals seeking scholarships or travel funding
Applicants seeking funding for activities that have already occurred before the application review.
up to 15k


Visit Apply for more information.

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