BMS Undergraduate Student Vacation Bursary

    From British Mycological Society

    The mission of the British Mycological Society is to advance the understanding of fungi and their role in the natural world through research, education, and conservation efforts.

    Type of Support


    The British Mycological Society provides Undergraduate Student Bursaries aimed at fostering experience in mycological research. These awards are specifically designed to support students interested in any branch of mycology. The grant offers financial support at a rate of £200 per week for a period ranging between 4 and 10 weeks during the summer vacation before the student's final year of study. The goal is to encourage early research experience and engagement in the field of mycology.


    Organization's Location
    do eu, Lorem aliquip
    Program Location
    occaecat deserunt officia
    Organization Type
    Adipisicing eiusmod id do minim nostrud
    Nostrud fugiat aute enim ipsum veniam ex velit mollit
    Laborum dolor in incididunt amet proident
    • commodo culpa non sit ut sit reprehenderit consectetur fugiat est enim
    • est cupidatat cupidatat anim do ad aute eu duis non deserunt dolore esse aliquip commodo consequat occaecat incididunt
    • aliquip do dolore eiusmod do ipsum elit sint cupidatat commodo consequat culpa qui veniam eu est
    • et nostrud do fugiat duis duis duis cupidatat magna magna sunt excepteur nisi aliquip minim pariatur consequat


    Voluptate labore
    In ea Lorem pariatur qui
    Tempor excepteur exercitation et pariatur
    Ullamco velit aute
    800 – 2K


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