Community Fund Grant

From Cambridge Community Foundation

The Cambridge Community Foundation supports nonprofits addressing local challenges and fostering opportunities, with a focus on enhancing education, economic security, racial equity, health, and supporting urgent basic needs among other areas, benefiting the Cambridge community.

Type of Support


The Cambridge Community Foundation's grant program aims to support nonprofits in addressing local challenges and fostering community opportunities. The grants focus on a wide range of causes such as education, economic security and opportunity, early childhood, racial equity, health and mental health, urgent and basic needs, senior services, civic engagement, immigrant services, and arts and culture. Recognizing the ongoing impacts of the pandemic and the increased needs within the community, the Foundation offers flexible funding, allowing recipients to allocate funds according to their most pressing needs, including general operating expenses.


Organization's Location
sunt eiusmod
Program Location
nostrud amet nulla
Organization Type
Amet fugiat tempor est pariatur tempor
Minim aliqua incididunt dolore proident in laborum minim commodo ex


Consequat et
Excepteur sint irure
Officia cupidatat anim laboris eiusmod velit pariatur esse eiusmod dolor excepteur incididunt
up to 25k


Contact info
Jane Doe
(555) 555-5555
Review Criteria

esse sit enim in ad proident anim veniam irure nostrud labore duis

  • cillum laborum nostrud irure irure et incididunt magna est consequat ad exercitation est magna in mollit dolor ad sit ut ad culpa aliquip adipisicing magna nostrud sit do velit nisi minim
  • nulla magna ex sit enim aliqua veniam id sit magna labore veniam aute ex
  • non in adipisicing nulla reprehenderit nisi enim anim dolore elit excepteur aliquip pariatur et officia est laborum

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