Charles B. Degenstein Foundation Grant

From Charles B. Degenstein Foundation

The Charles B. Degenstein Foundation was established to improve the quality of people's lives by supporting organizations that have clear purposes, well-defined programs, and competent leadership. Through its grants, the Foundation seeks to encourage progress in various areas that contribute to the betterment of community life.

Type of Support


The grant program's broad goals are to fund projects and programs that promote conservation and the environment, medicine and health care, social services, civic affairs and cultural activities, education, enhancement of local businesses, and beautification of towns. These efforts aim to support economic development, improve healthcare and medical research, aid educational institutions and resources, support cultural and artistic programs, and contribute to the beautification and rehabilitation of the region.


Organization's Location
est ullamco
Program Location
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Organization Type
Sunt do elit Lorem nisi veniam
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Sit anim aliquip ad
Labore voluptate
Ullamco aute
500 – 5k


Review Criteria

ex ea nostrud ea sint quis minim non nisi laborum elit sint do anim

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