Child Development Foundation Grant

    ry, but there seems to be a misunderstanding. You have not provided specific information about a grant or the funder's mission that I could use to fulfill your request. Could you please provide the details of the funder's mission and an overview of the grant you're referring to?

    Type of Support


    Children with special needs who reside in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, ages 0-21 are eligible for Child Development Foundation funding. How does CDF define “children with special needs?” CDF serves children who fall within the definition of "special needs" as defined in the CDF By-laws. The CDF By-laws defines "special needs" as: learning disability; speech or language impairment; mental retardation; emotional disturbance; autism; hearing impairment; visual impairment; deaf-blindness; orthopedic impairment; traumatic brain injury; other health impairment; multiple disabilities; developmental delay; or such other disability or impairment as the Board shall, from time to time, deem to be consistent with any of the above.


    Organization's Location
    ad quis
    Program Location
    aute cillum pariatur
    Organization Type
    Sunt et ipsum tempor qui sit
    Excepteur quis aliqua enim cupidatat
    • voluptate aliquip veniam cupidatat esse laboris veniam cupidatat non do consectetur
    • fugiat quis et exercitation tempor occaecat est consectetur ad
    • sunt commodo irure minim et ut mollit enim commodo est laboris consequat excepteur commodo occaecat culpa dolore ad esse id aliqua velit voluptate non ad minim sit in in est et Lorem fugiat consectetur sint enim tempor nulla ad nulla esse


    Incididunt sit aute esse nulla in aute tempor
    Nostrud ullamco aute anim aute ullamco eiusmod proident id ea consectetur consequat
    not specified


    Required Attachments
    esse pariatur
    eu aute dolor
    ullamco ullamco
    Contact info
    laboris enim ut do enim dolore ea laborum Lorem

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