Owen-Carr Townships Community Fund Grants

From Community Foundation of Jackson County

The Community Foundation of Jackson County focuses on the betterment of Jackson County, Indiana, aiming to upgrade, improve, and enhance communities across its towns - Seymour, Freetown, Clear Springs, Wegan, Brownstown, Crothersville, and Medora - to keep pace with changing times.

Type of Support


The Owen-Carr Township Grant is designed to support community development and engagement in Owen and Carr Townships within Jackson County. This initiative encourages, through the Owen-Carr Township Community Endowment, contributions of various kinds (cash, stock, real estate) to fund future projects and assist local groups. A significant feature is the partnership with Rumpke Consolidated Services, which contributes to the fund based on material processed at the Medora Landfill. This approach reflects a comprehensive community support system, with a focus on leveraging local resources and contributions for community benefit. The grant priorities include educational scholarships, conservation efforts, and supporting small community projects, all governed by a local committee from Owen and Carr Townships.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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