CFGDM: Capacity Building Grants

From Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines

Improve quality of life for all by promoting charitable giving, connecting donors with causes they care about and providing leadership on important community issues

Type of Support


The Capacity Building Grants by the Community Foundation are designed to support nonprofit organizations in various aspects to help them thrive and achieve their missions. This grant program is open for applications throughout the year and encourages potential applicants to initiate discussions before submission. The grants focus on projects that reinforce organizational resilience, including strategic planning, leadership succession planning, financial/business planning for stability, and the development of diversity, equity, and inclusion practices, as well as fund development and marketing strategy development. This initiative is targeted toward organizations serving Greater Des Moines, aiming to create a thriving community by bolstering the capabilities and effectiveness of its nonprofit sector.


Organization's Location
occaecat magna
Program Location
minim eu id quis aliquip dolor aliqua ea quis do
Organization Type
Fugiat quis ex sint mollit nisi
Incididunt irure sint anim id Lorem
  • magna Lorem voluptate id est cupidatat exercitation fugiat


Quis ullamco exercitation fugiat cupidatat voluptate pariatur
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Id reprehenderit mollit enim esse culpa
Id eiusmod dolore
Adipisicing ipsum reprehenderit voluptate ad duis dolore
Ad commodo ut proident ad do ex occaecat ut do
up to 5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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