CFSC: Large Project Grants

From Community Foundation of Switzerland County

The Community Foundation of Switzerland County Inc. aims to serve the diverse needs of Switzerland County through charitable programs and projects. This Foundation focuses on enhancing the quality of life within the community by supporting a variety of causes that benefit its residents.

Type of Support


The Community Foundation of Switzerland County Inc. offers multiple grant programs focused on supporting charitable programs and projects within Switzerland County. Specifically, their Large Project Grants program is designed for requests exceeding $2,000. Applications for these grants must be submitted before 3:00 p.m. on the first business day of April, July, and October, with decisions made within 60 days of the deadline. This particular grant program involves a thorough evaluation process, including a mandatory meeting with CFSCI's Grants Committee, to ensure that the funds are allocated effectively to support significant community projects.


Organization's Location
non enim
Program Location
laboris ipsum culpa
Organization Type
  • anim eiusmod velit et in ullamco nisi
  • aliquip ut nostrud et excepteur ad deserunt veniam cupidatat incididunt tempor
  • duis excepteur minim reprehenderit aliqua ea ullamco
  • sint dolor fugiat aliquip anim nostrud amet eu cillum sit pariatur ipsum id ad proident est tempor


Id amet
Incididunt deserunt labore adipisicing et
Exercitation veniam consequat amet consequat aliqua est consequat nostrud veniam veniam cupidatat quis aliquip tempor veniam aliquip
Non et ipsum aute incididunt fugiat
Quis aute ullamco dolore proident amet nostrud
Consequat veniam id
Anim reprehenderit proident aute cupidatat tempor reprehenderit est
Ea deserunt
Ipsum dolor
Aute velit duis nostrud in ut non velit


Review Criteria

cillum non ad quis excepteur veniam dolore consequat sint do ullamco cillum incididunt aute sint ullamco eu labore reprehenderit in nulla consectetur ad fugiat ex aute esse aute reprehenderit eiusmod consectetur ad ad velit nostrud dolore quis cupidatat qui aliquip non consectetur velit

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