Community Impact Grants Program

From Union County Foundation Inc.

The Union County Foundation is dedicated to supporting the Union County community through fundraising and grantmaking. By managing unrestricted endowment funds, the Foundation aims to address and anticipate the changing needs of the community, focusing on creating impactful solutions and fostering partnerships to enhance the collective outcome for the community’s well-being.

Type of Support


The Community Impact Grants Program by the Union County Foundation aims to provide competitive grants to address the evolving needs of the community effectively. The grants are intended to support innovative projects and initiatives that demonstrate a clear benefit to the community, focusing on "seed" money or pilot project support rather than ongoing operational costs. The program prioritizes projects that promise the greatest impact per dollar granted and benefit the largest number of people. It encourages collaborative funding efforts, including matching funds and challenges, to leverage additional support. Furthermore, it seeks to coordinate with other funding sources to maximize the overall impact and outcome for the community.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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500 – 10k


Visit Apply for more information.

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