The Foundation is dedicated to addressing the long-term well-being of children, youth, and their communities through support in Education, Human Services, and Health. It aims to provide disadvantaged children, youth, and their families with the necessary tools to build a life of quality, focusing on proven and innovative programs that facilitate systemic change.
The grant program focuses on enhancing the quality of life for young individuals and their families, primarily those who are economically, socially, and physically disadvantaged. It supports a wide range of initiatives, including but not limited to, early childhood education and care, literacy, arts education, parent engagement and education, STEM curriculum, and youth development programs such as tutoring and mentoring. The Foundation prioritizes programs aimed at initiating, continuing, or expanding these areas, highlighting the importance of school-based, school-linked, or community-based services. It especially values collaborative efforts aimed at improving the quality of life in inner-city neighborhoods, with a strong emphasis on parent empowerment and involvement programs that integrate education, community engagement, and leadership training.
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