Sustainability involves economic viability, environmental sensitivity, and social responsiveness, focusing on working with and preserving nature. The foundation fosters environmental restoration, preservation, and education, emphasizing seed money for demonstration projects linking rural and urban settings, and promoting sustainable resource use, food production integration, community development, wildlife and plant diversity conservation, sustainable agriculture, and supporting alternative presses and periodicals.
The grant program supports projects that align with sustainable practices, environmental preservation, and education. It is interested in seed money for demonstration projects that showcase sustainable resource use, wildlife habitat preservation, wilderness conservation, and the integration of food production with technology, economics, and community development. The grant prioritizes efforts that promote biodiversity, establish seed banks, encourage sustainable land use, and explore alternative energy resources. It supports urban green spaces, community gardens, and sustainable agriculture practices, including organic and biodynamic farming. Additionally, the grant backs initiatives to sustain agriculture, train young farmers, and connect farms with communities through community-supported agriculture. Support is also available for small alternative presses and periodicals focusing on environmental issues and solutions. Special consideration is given to projects benefiting Laguna Beach and its environs, including the Laguna Greenbelt/Wilderness and Laguna Bluebelt, through preservation, restoration, and community engagement activities.
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