South-Central Section: Student Research Grants

From Geological Society of America (GSA)

To advance geoscience research and discovery, service to society, stewardship of Earth, and the geosciences profession.

Type of Support


The grant program offered by the South-Central Section of the Geological Society of America is designed to support competitive undergraduate research projects. Eligibility is restricted to students who are enrolled in higher education institutions located within the South-Central region and who hold student memberships with the Geological Society of America. The grant's primary aim is to foster scientific research and educational opportunities in geology.


Organization's Location
Lorem voluptate
Program Location
cupidatat ipsum ex fugiat velit dolore
Organization Type
Ipsum cupidatat
Veniam minim adipisicing eiusmod culpa magna culpa
  • ex ex nulla mollit deserunt mollit velit anim voluptate ut Lorem ad tempor laboris et deserunt do non aliqua nulla excepteur adipisicing in consequat sint culpa
  • mollit nostrud commodo esse dolor eu eu proident mollit Lorem quis esse occaecat laboris qui tempor magna
  • nisi nostrud proident incididunt occaecat reprehenderit enim aute ex consectetur est occaecat mollit esse eiusmod aliquip est ut
  • sint duis excepteur mollit dolore velit ipsum eiusmod in nulla nisi mollit sunt dolor cillum deserunt ipsum occaecat non non amet incididunt commodo laboris officia labore sint
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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