Gilroy Foundation- Competitive Grants

From Gilroy Foundation

Since its establishment in 1980, the Gilroy Foundation focuses on enhancing the quality of life within the community across various spheres. Through the provision of grants and scholarships, it aims for a positive and significant impact by supporting a wide range of initiatives, including children and family self-sufficiency, educational excellence, health improvement, cultural enrichment, environmental protection, and community cohesion.

Type of Support


The Gilroy Foundation's grant program is designed to support broad goals that contribute to the betterment of the community, highlighting specific causes such as increasing children and families' self-sufficiency, enhancing students' academic capacities, promoting overall wellness, enriching cultural life, environmental improvement, and fostering unity within neighborhoods. The foundation prioritises funding for projects within agriculture, artistic enrichment, education, civic services, culture, health, recreation, and technology sectors.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CA (Santa Clara County)
Organization Type
Public and private schools in Gilroy
The City of Gilroy
  • Must be properly constituted and organized with a board of directors, by-laws, financial records, and controls
  • Must submit the most recent copy of the RRF-1 to the Attorney General of the State of California


Organizations without nonprofit, tax-exempt status from the IRS
Endowment purposes
Efforts to influence legislation or elections
Basic research
Travel to or in support of conferences
Debt retirement or for operational deficit
Programs outside of the Gilroy community
Contributions to annual fund drives or in support of operational expenses (with start-up period exception)
Sectarian religious purposes (educational, medical, or social service-oriented programs by church agencies are exceptions)
Funding the same project for more than three consecutive years.
500 – 5k


Review Criteria

When allocating grants, the Foundation prioritizes the following types of projects, regardless of whether they are initiated by established entities or new organizations:

  • Initiatives focused on offering essential facilities or services not adequately covered by public funding, where the Foundation's support alone or combined with other private contributions, can make a substantial difference.
  • Projects that enhance an organization’s capacity to attract additional funding.
  • Efforts aimed at meeting recognized community needs by streamlining or merging community services to cut overhead costs, boost efficiency, or prevent needless repetition.

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