HPF: Urgent Action Grants

From Hawai'i People's Fund

Hawaiʻi People’s Fund is dedicated to supporting viable solutions for a better way of living, focusing on communities disproportionately impacted by crises and systemic oppression. They prioritize supporting low-income families, houseless communities, people with disabilities, incarcerated individuals, indigenous, immigrant, and communities of color. Through funding, they aim to counter racism and xenophobia, provide new models of care, and ensure vulnerable communities stay safe.

Type of Support


The Urgent Action Grants program focuses on change-oriented direct actions across the pae ʻāīna, with a current emphasis on providing immediate relief to those affected by the wildfires on Maui Island. The program supports community organizing efforts to protect indigenous lands, offer mutual aid, and address inequalities in access to resources and power. Specific causes include food justice, childcare, indigenous traditional healing, preventing evictions and ICE enforcement, mental health resources, and protecting lands from predatory investments. The program promotes social justice by working with marginalized groups to develop equitable solutions and supports a wide range of intersecting categories including environmental justice, economic justice, human rights, and more.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1


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Visit Apply for more information.