The mission of the Charitable Trust Stabilization Fund is to support small nonprofits across Illinois by utilizing money collected from the filing fees not-for-profit organizations pay to incorporate with the State of Illinois. This self-sustaining approach ensures that the program is funded by non-profits to support non-profits.
The grant program aims to offer financial assistance to small non-profit charitable programs in Illinois, focusing on urgent and essential needs within communities. The grants are awarded in two cycles: the Spring 2024 Grant Cycle focuses on food and housing, while the Fall 2024 Grant Cycle expands to include food, and economic & workforce development. Potential areas for funding include, but are not limited to, food pantries, school and summer feeding programs, housing support services, foreclosure prevention, affordable housing initiatives, small business development, vocational training, and workforce development for people with disabilities. This comprehensive approach aims to address a wide array of critical needs within the state, from immediate assistance to longer-term economic stability and growth.
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