The McConnell Foundation's mission is to address community resilience, reconciliation, and climate change through diverse and innovative approaches. It aims to create a significant positive impact and demonstrate that lasting change is possible by funding and investment partnerships, strengthening capabilities, convening, and collaborating across public, private, and non-profit sectors. The Foundation honors its 85-year history and the legacy of its founder, J.W. McConnell, in finding solutions to pressing societal issues.
The McConnell Foundation's grants target three main focus areas: Communities, Reconciliation, and Climate. These areas represent significant issues in society that the Foundation seeks to impact positively. Communities focus on supporting equity-deserving groups to address systemic barriers to economic and social justice. Reconciliation aims to close the socioeconomic gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples by fostering prosperity with and for Indigenous peoples. Climate involves addressing issues related to climate change and advocating for sustainable and equitable solutions. Additionally, the Foundation has a special commitment to Montreal, supporting local projects to improve the lives of Montrealers. It also offers Capacity Strengthening for partners, Opportunity funds for unique needs, and Program Development funding to test new ideas aligned with focus areas. However, discretionary contributions cannot be applied for directly. The Foundation encourages potential applicants to participate in Virtual Office Hours to explore project ideas' alignment with funding areas.
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