John C. Bock Foundation Grants

The John C. Bock Foundation is focused on the preservation, maintenance, and enhancement of land areas in natural or undeveloped states, especially those supporting woodlands and old-growth forests near Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, and throughout the state. Its mission includes public education aimed at builders and developers about the significance of conserving natural land resources, emphasizing the importance of mature woodlands and old-growth forests. The Foundation supports educational and research activities related to these goals and backs other conservation organizations working on similar preservation efforts.

Type of Support


The John C. Bock Foundation's grant program is dedicated to advancing the conservation of natural lands, with a specific interest in areas that support woodlands and old-growth forests, primarily around Lake Mendota and across Wisconsin. The program aims to educate and inform builders and developers about the critical need for preserving these environments. By funding educational and research initiatives, the Foundation seeks to foster a deeper understanding and commitment to conservation. Additionally, it provides support to other conservation organizations that are directly involved in the protection of landscapes containing mature woodlands and old-growth forests, amplifying its impact on preserving natural resources.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Review Criteria

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