Hanson Foundation Grant

Founded by John K. and Luise V. Hanson in 1970, the Hanson Family Foundation aims to strengthen and enhance the quality of life in Forest City and neighboring communities, reflecting the founders' gratitude towards those who supported Winnebago Industries. The foundation's mission is realized through support to over 700 organizations in 104 communities, focusing on initiatives that bolster community wellbeing and development.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Hanson Family Foundation emphasizes support for a variety of areas critical to enhancing community life. Their funding priorities include:

  • Arts & Culture: Supporting entities like Clear Lake Arts Center and Boman Fine Arts Center, fostering a vibrant cultural scene.
  • Family Recreation: Funding projects related to the Forest City YMCA, pools/aquatic centers, playgrounds, and biking trails, to promote healthy and active lifestyles.
  • Youth Development/Education: Aiding educational and development projects including Camp Tanglefoot, Clear Lake Yacht Club Sailing School, and technological advancements in education, to nurture the growth and development of young people. The Foundation's broad goals are to contribute positively to the community's cultural, recreational, and educational landscapes.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Fugiat velit exercitation id Lorem
Nisi deserunt deserunt commodo dolore non magna est qui
Amet laboris
  • incididunt magna aute tempor occaecat velit minim eu
  • nulla sint velit laboris ex consectetur veniam pariatur cillum sunt nisi
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Quis et occaecat excepteur reprehenderit
not specified


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