Cooper Foundation Grant Program

From Madison Alexander Cooper and Martha Roane Cooper Foundation

The Cooper Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the city of Waco, Texas, making it a more desirable place to live. The foundation focuses on supporting experimental projects, research, surveys, and special community needs that lack conventional funding, covering a broad spectrum of life aspects including education, health, arts and culture, community building and social services, and the needs of senior citizens.

Type of Support


The Cooper Foundation's grant program emphasizes the importance of nonprofit organizations discussing their potential applications with foundation staff prior to and during the proposal preparation process. This collaborative approach aims to streamline the funding process, ensuring proposals align with the foundation's guidelines, interests, and current priorities. The foundation is keen on supporting projects that positively impact the city of Waco in various domains, offering guidance and advice to applicants to make the proposal development process efficient and effective, hence valuing the time and resources of nonprofit entities.


Organization's Location
in nostrud
Program Location
exercitation labore magna
Organization Type
Incididunt labore est laboris veniam consectetur
  • excepteur ad duis laboris anim
  • aute laboris ipsum nostrud quis officia mollit excepteur irure magna adipisicing est officia magna ullamco anim consequat ipsum non


Id mollit ex deserunt
Non commodo exercitation
up to 727k


Step 1: dolore consequat dolore
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: consectetur deserunt (ea officia)

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