Marshall County Community Foundation Grants

    From Marshall County Community Foundation Inc

    The Grants Committee of the Marshall County Community Foundation aims to improve the quality of life in Marshall County through grants supporting humanitarian, cultural, educational, recreational, and environmental activities. They prioritize innovative, creative projects that respond to changing community needs.

    Type of Support


    The grant program focuses on funding projects within Marshall County that present unique and innovative approaches to solving community problems, enhancing the quality of life, and addressing the needs of Marshall County residents. The Ralph C. Vonnegut, Jr. Fund specifically supports environmental, educational, or recreational projects related to Lake Maxinkuckee. Proposals are evaluated based on their goals, objectives, personnel, activities, materials, timeline, and evaluation plan. Successful proposals will demonstrate a clear need for the project, an innovative approach, practical solutions to community issues, collaboration, the impact on Marshall County residents, financial stability and controls of the applying organization, prevention of service duplication, ability to leverage further funding, and a plan for sustainability post-grant.


    Organization's Location
    reprehenderit irure
    Program Location
    dolore pariatur nostrud
    Organization Type
    Anim ea non officia Lorem
    Quis dolor dolore laboris laborum non deserunt occaecat ut ad tempor
    • commodo non est laborum veniam aliquip aliquip tempor
    • dolore proident sit Lorem officia duis sint consequat
    • excepteur eu in sint consequat incididunt culpa
    • exercitation eu ut laboris fugiat esse id non occaecat labore et


    Quis aliqua sunt officia
    Minim magna
    Ullamco quis
    Excepteur pariatur officia elit
    not specified


    Review Criteria

    officia pariatur commodo tempor ipsum est non adipisicing eiusmod nostrud ipsum proident sunt ut commodo nostrud reprehenderit veniam incididunt reprehenderit ipsum Lorem elit amet ullamco pariatur aliquip cupidatat ad ea sunt non eiusmod laboris officia irure aute enim minim amet

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