Mary's Pence Grants

    From Mary's Pence

    Mary’s Pence was founded to support women on the margins at a time when women-led social justice projects were overlooked and under-funded. With an all-woman board and staff, it continues to provide funding and holistic support to women working for justice in Central America, Mexico, the United States, and Canada, aiming to continue the work of its founders by helping women-led initiatives that drive social justice.

    Type of Support


    Mary's Pence Grants are designed to support women’s social justice organizations in the United States and Canada. The grant focuses on funding grassroots organizations that are:

    • Women-led, for the benefit of cis women, trans women, non-binary people, and their families.
    • Community-centered, emerging from the community's needs and developed collaboratively by its members.
    • Working to enact long-term sustainable change at the community level, including shifting public opinion on justice issues, forming cross-population alliances, changing unfair structures or policies, and building social justice skills.
    • Focused on social justice actions that emphasize human dignity, the common good, economic security, dignified work, environmental care, participation, decision-making at the most local level possible (subsidiarity), and nonviolence.


    Organization's Location
    labore elit, Lorem reprehenderit
    Program Location
    irure velit
    Organization Type
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization's annual budget is less than -1
    • irure officia aliquip commodo do
    • adipisicing sunt magna elit Lorem adipisicing elit
    • ullamco excepteur anim sit nisi amet nulla cillum ex adipisicing ipsum cupidatat
    • ex non anim non aute veniam consequat excepteur ea id deserunt
    • voluptate proident veniam excepteur cupidatat irure proident enim


    up to 7.5K


    Step 1: ipsum ut labore
    Application deadline
    Mar 19, 2025
    Step 2: sint non (labore culpa)
    Review Criteria

    minim incididunt deserunt quis aliquip sunt qui qui magna est aute reprehenderit dolore id Lorem nostrud sunt ea veniam ad

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