Betterment Grant Funds

    From Mid-Nebraska Community Foundation

    We help charitable individuals support their favorite causes and leave lasting legacies. We also assist nonprofit organizations in accomplishing their missions and goals.

    Type of Support


    Betterment Grants aim to support projects that benefit both people and qualified nonprofit organizations within a specified service area. These projects can range from facility improvements, equipment, technology, and vehicles to community events, new services, and disaster relief. The grants prioritize evidence of funding from other sources and the amounts awarded can vary significantly, with awards in the previous year ranging from $500 to $35,000. Funded through Unrestricted Betterment Grant Funds and Field of Interest Funds at the Community Foundation, these grants are designed to address a wide variety of needs and initiatives that contribute to the betterment of the community.


    Organization's Location
    qui ut
    Program Location
    reprehenderit veniam adipisicing ad occaecat Lorem aute minim consectetur nulla
    Organization Type
    Incididunt anim anim ipsum ad reprehenderit
    Nisi incididunt esse eu ullamco
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    Eu in consectetur consectetur
    Deserunt anim nisi ullamco do aliquip incididunt ex est nostrud ex minim mollit amet magna
    500 – 35K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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