NextGen Capacity Building Mini-Grants

    From Oak Park - River Forest Community Foundation

    The Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation aims to unite community members to mobilize resources to advance a racially just society and equitable outcomes for residents of Oak Park, River Forest, and surrounding communities. Their mission revolves around promoting equity, inclusivity, and courage, working towards a racially just society in which all community members thrive and prosper.

    Type of Support


    NextGen Leaders in Philanthropy offers capacity-building grants for small organizations or projects within a specific budget range to enhance their operational effectiveness and growth. The grant focuses on increasing knowledge, skills, capabilities, etc., to aid in organizational effectiveness or support sustainability. Examples of capacity building funded include attending conferences, purchasing software or equipment along with relevant training, and hiring expert consultants.


    Organization's Location
    aliquip exercitation
    Program Location
    velit ut Lorem
    Organization Type
    Pariatur nulla tempor culpa occaecat duis
    Tempor adipisicing velit magna ex Lorem ex
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization's annual budget is less than -1
    • do aliqua voluptate nulla duis velit
    • elit exercitation do adipisicing fugiat ad qui cillum labore minim pariatur laborum non anim nostrud non irure cillum sit reprehenderit elit sunt Lorem voluptate laborum qui commodo tempor do qui ut amet
    • minim qui elit fugiat non excepteur amet qui dolore irure ipsum sint deserunt


    Sit cillum quis dolore do non irure non
    Aute fugiat magna magna anim in proident magna voluptate veniam
    up to 2.5K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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