Environmental Education Fund

From Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation

The mission of the Little Traverse Bay Protection & Restoration Fund is to enhance, restore, and protect the waters of Little Traverse Bay for current and future generations. This initiative, set up with the collaboration of CMS Land Company and the Community Foundation, aims to support projects and activities that contribute to the health and vitality of the Little Traverse Bay and its surrounding ecosystems.

Type of Support


The grant, provided by the Environmental Education Fund, supports nature-based learning for K-12 students in Emmet County by utilizing its rich ecosystems for educational purposes. The broad goals include:

  • Funding transportation for field trips to local natural sites such as nature preserves, state parks, and family farms, which complement classroom learning.
  • Purchasing equipment like orienteering devices and binoculars to enhance hands-on learning and observation of local ecology.
  • Providing specialized training for educators and nonprofit staff to better facilitate environmental education for students.

This initiative underscores the importance of outdoor learning environments in fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the natural world among students, with a focus on practical, hands-on experiences and observations.


Organization's Location
duis dolor
Program Location
consequat laboris proident
Organization Type
Qui do nisi deserunt et
Adipisicing Lorem voluptate esse nulla voluptate eu esse excepteur ut enim exercitation eiusmod amet
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up to 500


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